Agiloft & Oracle

Together, Agiloft and Oracle deliver: 

Improved Efficiency – streamline and automate all contracting-related processes from Legal, Procurement, Sales, Marketing, People Operations, and Finance, freeing departments from risky, inefficient, manual contracting processes.  

Risk Mitigation – realize a single source of truth for your contract data, integrated with other systems of record, enabling you to proactively identify and mitigate risks associated with contracts and operations.  

Improved Decision-Making – achieve real-time insights derived from contract data and enterprise contracting workflows to enable decision-makers to identify, pursue, and achieve outcomes at the speed of business.  

Scalability and Flexibility – optimize commercial activity through a contract lifecycle management platform recently identified by analyst MGI as a leading provider for Enterprises. 

Enterprise-Wide Approach to Digital Transformation & AI – incorporate contract process, performance, and decision support data into your overall data strategy results in a more holistic approach that enables a more effective, enterprise-wide approach to AI.   

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Let’s Do This Thing!

At Agiloft, we believe the fundamental building blocks of commerce, society, and success are the commitments and connections we make with each other. That’s why we have reintroduced the handshake for the digital age, offering the most connected CLM platform on the market to enable a new, data-first approach to your agreements.  

Our CLM solutions, paired with industry leaders like Oracle for core business systems, build the critical connections that empower you to Agree and Thrive

The Agiloft Data-first Agreement Platform (DAP) supports any contracting workflow you can throw at it, and liberates all the data in signed contracts, integrating smoothly with Oracle systems to deliver the information wherever, and to whomever, it needs to go.